Kwik Kar Marsh held its Hood Raiders automotive maintenance class on June 11, 2023. The car clinic is a hands on, interactive class that teaches how to check and change your oil, how to change a tire, how to inspect and change an air filter, cabin filter, car battery and much more. Several soon to be drivers participated in Hood Raiders in June and here's what one of the Mom's wrote about the class. "Good evening, I’ve been meaning to write this for a few days now. I want to thank you and your crew for teaching the boys about car maintenance. They wondered what I had gotten them into but when we left, they thanked me for signing them up … [Read more...]
Car Class for Teens at Kwik Kar Marsh 5-21-23 Charlie’s Group
Kwik Kar Marsh held its car class for teens called Hood Raiders in May 2023. The soon to be drivers learned how to check and change oil, how to change a tire, how to check a car's battery, how to check the air filter and cabin filter and much more. To learn more about Hood Raiders or to attend an upcoming class, see Hood Raiders Auto Maintenance Class. Here are some pics of the car clinic: … [Read more...]
Kwik Kar Marsh Car Clinic for NCL Dallas
Kwik Kar Marsh held its "Hood" Raiders car clinic for a group of fifteen, fifteen year old girls from the National Charity League (NCL) of Dallas, Texas on February 20, 2022. The "Hood" Raiders automotive maintenance clinic is an immersive, hands-on, educational class that introduces young adults and older to the basics of car maintenance. "Hosting a private "Hood" Raiders car clinic for these young ladies, all soon to be drivers, was a perfect fit. Our goal is to educate and empower all drivers with basic car maintenance skills so that when they take their vehicle for maintenance or repairs, they know what to look out for with respect … [Read more...]
“Hood” Raiders Event 9-2-18
The first Kwik Kar Marsh "Hood" Raiders Academy class recently took place. Here are photos of the first official "Hood" Raiders graduates. The women and men learned how to service and maintain their cars by changing the oil and oil filter, checking the fluids, changing tires, changing windshield wipers and more. Hood Raiders Automotive Class The next Kwik Kar Marsh Hood Raider class is on September 10, 2018 starting at 6pm for a group of women and men from North Dallas Bank and Trust is the feature sponsor along with Kwik Kar Marsh. … [Read more...]
Car Clinic in Carrollton
Kwik Kar Marsh recently announced it's Hood Raiders automotive class that is the best car clinic in Carrollton. The car clinic teaches women and men ages 15 and up the basics of automotive maintenance. The 90 minute automotive clinic is an immersive, hands-on experience to educate consumers on the following: How to change and check the oil in your car or truck How to check your tire pressure and how to determine when you need new tires How to change tires Understanding how the braking system works and how to check your brakes How to test and change the battery in your vehicle How to replace windshield wiper blades Hot to … [Read more...]